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Dear Customers,

we have few important details to share with you describing how to make an order in our online store with clothes for babies and kids, please read all of them:

  • we are able to send each order to all European countries
  • we only accept payment in advance for customers from abroad and you can choose one of the available payment method in our store: PayPal or money transfer to bank account in EUR. For money transfer we will calculate the total amount in EUR based on current exchange between Polish Zloty and EUR and inform you.
  • if you prefer to make money transfer please use the following account details:
    account owner:   MARCIN LYSZCZARZ
    account number in EUR:   PL17114020040000301200054569
  • we send all packages as standard - registered shipping in Europe and usually it takes between 3 and 5 working days to deliver depending on country where we send to. On request we can also send with priority and it will be extra charged. The total delivery cost depends on weight of your package for example standard package around 1 kg costs 7 EUR.
  • for any additional questions please contact us by email: sklep@dzieckolandia.pl
Wszelkie prawa zastrzeżone - Dzieckolandia - 2011 - 2025 Projekt i wykonanie: goshop.pl

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